Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday morning thoughts

"When I find myself on times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, 'Let it be.'"

Every day I make a choice to be happy. It is up to me to find and make my own joy and contentment. It is up to me to see the good in other people. Attitude is everything.

" And the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was greater than the risk to blossom."

"And I think to myself...what a wonderful world.""

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Prayer for the day

Blessed be the morn for me and mine. Blessed be the day for me and mine.
Blessed be the night for me and mine.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Epiphany ...

There is a reason I am drawn to the sunflower and why I have one tattooed on my back. I believe in the dawn of a new day and that the sun always rises somewhere even if there are clouds over my head. I look for that light. I have unshakable faith in it. Does that mean I never get the blues? Absolutely not. I shed many tears. My tears help me acknowledge a troubled situation and move on to the solution. And there is always a solution even if it is only to survive what is happening. Sometimes we find ourselves to be solutions to others' problems on down the road due to our experience. We can feel empathy and show compassion and let them see we made it through. We can use that 20/20 hindsight to help them deal with their situations. I believe we are here to look for the love and light in this world and to be lights for others.
Lately I have been letting worry and frustration get the better of me. I have been focusing on the problem instead of looking for the solution. I have let doubt and weariness cast a shadow over my spirit. I don't like it. I know better. I have such joy and so many blessings in my life. There is no excuse for falling into the trap of being discouraged over a bump in the path when the rest of the path is smooth or crying over a detour in your journey when you know damn well the way back to the main road is just ahead. There is no excuse for focusing on another person's shortcomings when almost everyone's virtues outnumber his or her vices. And for  those who are lacking in virtue, let their vices be an example to you of what you do not want to emulate. None of us are perfect. We were not meant to be.
I have knowledge and experience to share. I have love and understanding to give. I have an open heart and an open mind. I am a blessed woman. I am a child of Spirit. And the sun is shining in my face.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What I really want...what I really need...

It's amazing when you discover that what you really want is what you really need...that your wishes and desires are good for you. Sometimes you get just what you want and exactly what you need.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sunday morning...

Breathe in. Breathe out. Focus. Center. Ask for wisdom and grace. Give thanks. Smile.

Friday, January 13, 2012

A Better Mood...

Yesterday I had the blues and the crankies. It was unlike me. I am usually the "glass half full", "every cloud has a silver lining" kind of person. But yesterday I did not feel like being the bluebird of happiness.  My tolerance for bullshit was completely gone. Did not want to hear it or deal with it in any way. My Libra scales were tilted...Was I mean? No. Was I selfish? No. Was I rude? No. So what was the big fucking deal???????? Not one, really. I have my moments like everyone else.  But I don't like feeling that way. I believe each day is what you make it. It is up to each of us to find the joy and to feel and share the love. Even in my funky mood yesterday, I realized and gave thanks for my blessings. I woke this morning with a smile on my face and a better attitude. And to Spirit I say, "Thank you for this day and the opportunity to be thankful for it. Bless those I love and keep them close. Please give me eyes to see and ears to hear and the power of love and peace in my heart. Amen." ~ Have a joyous day. ~

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Snuggling on sofa and watching some t.v...
Drinking a cold beer while cooking spaghetti...
Listening to music and buying new earrings..
These are a few of my favorite things...

Time spent with Tony...
My kids smiling faces...
Seeing old friends ...
Going new places...
Laughing and talking...
I might even sing...
These are a few of my favorite things.

Reading a good book...
Seeing a movie...
A really great workout...
Using my creativity...
Painting my toenails and wearing my bling...
These are a few of my favorite things.

Sunflowers and roses...
Candles and moonlight...
Buttery popcorn...Peanut butter delight.
Fun Saturday nights...
Lazy Sunday mornings...
These are a few of my favorite things...


What to do? Wanting to resolve this situation in an intelligent and productive and, yes, profitable manner. Should I be willing to walk away with less? And would it really be less if it gave me my freedom? I am tired of looking back...tired of revisiting...I do not want the responsibility of this thing anymore. Can the thing that held me down turn around and set me free? Please let me go...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

For the first time...

For the first time, I feel and believe there is someone who won't walk away from me because I am far less than perfect. For the first time, I have someone who won't laugh at my tears.  For the first time, I feel like I no longer fall short in someone's eyes. For the first time, I have someone who will stand by me, support me and protect me. I am learning to trust completely...for the first time.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

One step forward...

Seems like I'm doing that funny little dance of one step forward, two steps back. Guess as long as progress is being made, I should be encouraged and I am...

So tired of that shadow falling across my shoulder ... trying to shine like the sun.


The start of a new year...I am looking forward to great things. It's a little scary as well because I'm walking on completely new ground for the first time in many years. My main resolution is to hold on to the good things, past and present, and let go of the sadness and fear and anger that wrapped me up for so long. My life has had sweet mixed in with the bitter and it is the sweetness I need to remember. I feel positive and completely happy about my life these days. I have been told by some people that I am the strongest person they know. Many days that makes me laugh...I don't always feel strong. I must be though or I would not be here today. Sometimes I have to look back so I can see my toughness and believe in it. Some people mistake my tenderness for weakness. They are foolish to think that. You have to be strong to go through what I have and still be able to share your heart and give your love freely and to see the good in people. I let the past give me faith instead of stealing my hope for each day. So I guess my resolution is to keep being do and be the best I love with all my keep the faith. Happy New Year.